Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense

At any moment, any one of us could be looking down the wrong end of the long arm of the law. Sometimes good
people make mistakes. Sometimes, with the best of intentions, a bad decision is made. One mistake or one bad
decision can have drastic effects. The decisions you make in the moments directly following a mistake or a bad
decision can have lifelong effects. This is when you need the assistance of an experienced litigator to defend your
rights. Whether your charges stem from an argument with another person, or perhaps a DUI charge from one bad
call after a few drinks with friends, or a criminal charge from a mistake involving someone else’s property, you
should not face the upcoming difficulties alone. You should give me a call. I will be there by your side from the
moment you have had contact with law enforcement, to your initial appearance, to interviews with law
enforcement, to a personal scene investigation, to a jury trial if necessary.

I am an experienced criminal defense litigator with years of experience handling DUIs,
misdemeanors involving alleged crimes against others, and misdemeanors involving
allegations of crimes against property. Do not face your criminal case alone.

Let’s Talk!

Do not try to manage your criminal, family law
or CDL case alone. Fill out the form to receive
your free case evaluation. We will be in touch
with you as soon as possible.

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